Ko je iz Bosne a ja nisam
Teže može da primeti različitost bosanskih žena u odnosu na ostale
Verovatno zato što ih gleda svaki dan
I u svakoj traži nešto drugačije
A ne vidi šta ih sve, u najvećem, spaja

Ali ko dođe ponekad, kao ja
I ko je voleo bosanku a zagledao se u nekoliko
Rećiće vam da ima razlike
I biće neuporedivo fasciniraniji od onih koji su stalno tamo

Bosanske žene se razlikuju po govoru
Što nama, sa strane, prvo upada u oči
Kada ga onako razvuku, nama se istog momenta razvuče osmeh

Milica nije Milica nego Mil’ca
Naglašavajući neka sasvim druga slova pri izgovoru

Zatim njihova toplina u pristupu
Kao da bi te odmah vodile kući, ne u krevet
Nego da te zbrinu, nahrane

Mnogo im više radi srce nego glava
I ako neka žena zna da ušuška muškarca
Onda je to bosanska

Imaju to nešto brižno i kućno
Da koliko god se trudile da budu moderne to ih izdvaja
Ta pojačana emocionalnost za muškarca 
I emocionalnost uopšte
Koja meni naročio prija
To neko drugarstvo, prijeljstvo, poverenje
Koje nije baš tako primetno na drugim mestima

Bosanske žene često nemaju tu otmenost Zagreba
Mada ne zaostaju puno
Ili prepotentnost Beograda tj. beograđanki
Ali imaju svoju neku toplinu kojoj je teško odoleti

Kada se nađu negde gde su ljudi sa svih strana sveta
Izgovore sa posebnim naglaskom ono da su – iz Bosne
Kao da to treba nešto da znači
I koliko god da im je zemlja podeljena
One se ponose njome

Bosanske žene su jako seksualne 
Ali ponajmanje feministički u odnosu na ostale
Kao da u njima ima ponajmanje frigidnosti
Nigde, kao tamo, nisam sretao prirodnije žene
I onu glad za muškarcem
Iskonsku, pravu, bez foliranja, pretvaranja

Koliko god da znaju da žive i za sebe
Kao da ponajmanje od svih mogu bez drugih
Društvenije su, povezanije i lakše se uklapaju
U njima ne samo da ima nečeg prkosnog, što ne da na sebe
Nego i želja da se mnoge stare vrednosti održe
Ni približno koliko u drugim zemljama
Kao da su koreni nekih prošlih vremena i uticaja mnogo dublji
Samim tim i toplina, nežnost

Bosanske žene nisu srećnije od drugih žena
Možda nisu ni nesrećnije
Ali kao da sve u sebi nose neku pojačanu patnju
Da li zbog ratova koji su se nedavno završili
I preterane potrebe za mirom
Ili zbog svoje lične sudbine i potrage za srećom

Koliko god da je tuge u njima
Ima i neke posebne snage, izdržljivosti, nepokolebljivosti
Da gde god da se nađu, one se snađu

Niko me nije voleo kao bosanske žene
I nigde se nisam osećao tako važan kao muškarac kao u Bosni
Ne znam zašto

Kao da one imaju nešto što druge nemaju
I kao da znaju nešto što druge ne znaju
Da ti priđu, ugode
I podare toplinu koja na drugim mestima izostaje

Zato posebno volim bosanske žene
Prepoznam ih na ulici i one koje ne poznajem
Neke i po crtama lica
Prosto imaju nešto što druge nemaju

Ko nije voleo bosanku
Kao da nije voleo uopšte

I koga nije volela bosanka
Kao da nije bio voljen uopšte

Pitaš me kako znam
Jednostavno znam

I da, nevažno da li se zvala Sandra ili Emina 
Marija ili Erna 
Sanja ili Lejla, Esma, Asja

Bosanska žena je bosanska žena

I ko nije voleo i upoznao bosansku ženu
Kao da nije voleo ni Bosnu 
Ni ono najlepše od Bosne

Bosanske žene


Those that are from Bosnia – myself excluded

Can’t quite tell how different Bosnian women are in comparison to others

Probably because they watch them every day

And in each and every one of them they’re looking for something different

Failing to see the things that, in most cases, connect them

But whoever comes occasionally, like myself

And who has loved one Bosnian woman and fancied several others

Will tell you there happens to be a difference

And they will be far more fascinated than those who are always there

Bosnian women are different in the way they speak

Which is the first thing that strikes us, as outsiders

When they stretch their words, we stretch our lips into a smile

Milica isn’t Milica but rather Mil’ca

Accentuating a totally different letter in the pronunciation

Next comes their warm approach

As if they would take you home right away, not to bed

But to take care of you, feed you

Their hearts work far more than their heads

And if there is a woman that knows how to caress a man

Then she is Bosnian

They have something caring and homey about them

No matter how hard they try to be modern, this makes them stand out

That heightened emotion for a man

And emotion in general

Is what works for me in particular

Some kind of camaraderie, friendship, trust

Not so readily noticed in other places

Bosnian women often lack the sophistication of Zagreb

Although they’re not much behind

Or the pretentiousness of Belgrade, i.e. of Belgrade women

But they have some sort of warmth of their own that is hard to resist

When they’re among people from all corners of the world

They are careful to stress that they are from – Bosnia

As if that is supposed to mean something

And no matter how divided their land is

They take pride in it

Bosnian women are very sexual

But the least feministic when compared to others

As if they have the least frigidity

Nowhere else have I met more natural women

And that hunger for a man

Authentic, true, no pretending, no faking

No matter how much they know how to live, even for themselves

It’s as though they, least of all, can live without others

They are more sociable, connected and adaptable

Not only do they have something defiant in their can’t-hurt-me stance,

They also have a desire to retain many old values

Far more so than in other countries

As if the roots and influences of times past run deeper

And with that warmth and tenderness, too

Bosnian women are not happier than any other women

And maybe they are not any less happy either

But they all seem to carry within them some kind of heightened suffering

Whether it’s due to the wars that have ended recently

Or the intense need for peace

Or their own personal fate and quest for happiness

It matters not how much sorrow there is in them

There’s this particular strength, resilience, resolve too

That wherever they are, they figure it out

No one has loved me like Bosnian women

And nowhere else have I been made to feel so important as a man as in Bosnia

I don’t know why

It’s as if they have what others don’t

And that they know what others don’t

How to approach you, please you

And offer the warmth missing in other places

That’s why I especially love Bosnian women

I recognize them on the street, even those I don’t know

Some by their faces, too

By something

They simply have something others don’t

He who hasn’t loved Bosnian women

It’s as if he hasn’t loved at all

And he that hasn’t been loved by a Bosnian woman

It’s as if he hasn’t been loved at all

You ask me how I know

I just do

And yes, regardless of whether her name’s Sandra or Emina

Marija or Erna

Sanja or Lejla, Esma, Asja

A Bosnian woman is a Bosnian woman

And he who hasn’t loved and gotten to know a Bosnian woman

It’s as though he has neither loved Bosnia

Nor the most beautiful thing from Bosnia

Women Bosnian women

Prevela/translated by: Minja Pješčić Pregledala i savjetovala/ peer reviewed & advice offered by: Lisa Stewart

Bosnia Women Bosnian women


Kada dođe leto, svi odoše u svoju Bosnu
Preko godine se baš i ne stiže
Ali leti, Bosna je jedna od glavnih stanica

Živi se na svim stranama sveta
Tačnije radi se, snalazi i odlazi
Ali samo se Bosni uvek vraća

I kada se u njoj ne živi, ona živi u ljudima
Gde god da su

A opet, druge države često uveličavaju sebe i svoj značaj, jedino Bosna umanjuje
Kao da se svega stidi a treba da se ponosi
Šta je sve prošla i prolazi, druge zemlje bi se raspale, pripale nekom drugom
A Bosna živi za sebe i prkosi
Od pamtiveka pa do današnjih dana

Tri naroda i tri vere, čitav svet u malom
Uticaj Turske, Rusije, Amerike…
A opet ni Turska, ni Rusija, ni Amerika

Bosna sve ima, samo nema svest o tome da sve ima
Kada se to gleda sa strane, deluje i više nego zanimljivo
Banja Luka ima svoju priču, Sarajevo svoju, Trebinje svoju, Mostar svoju
Gradovi kao male države, svaka za sebe
Da ne pričamo o Tuzli, Zenici, Bileći, Bijeljini i mnogim drugim

Za njih su to samo gradovi a za nas sa strane, luke istorije
U kojima se prelamaju kulture i različitosti
I sve nam je nekako zanimljivo, drugačije
Kao da odemo u neki daleki svet koji nam je tu
Stotinak kilometara daleko

Bosna je imala i ima svoje heroje
Od Mirze, Džamonje, Davorina, Kike Sarajlića, Keme i ostalih
Ima i neke nove kojih još nije ni svesna

Ima „Pravdu za Davida“ koja je ujedinila čitav region
Imala je ćutanje Jelene Topić u Prijedoru koje je odjeknulo glasnije od najveće buke
Bosna ima 1000 svojih čuda
A da ne pričamo ko sve vuče odatle korene i poreklo, i neizbežni naglasak naravno

Bosna je i moderna i tradicionalna
Jednom nogom sva u prošlosti, drugom u budućnosti
Ali sve je to čini posebnom, drugačijom da je upravo ta različitost, kakvih nema
Čini jedinstvenom

Bosna ima Sarajevski atentat i Gavrila Principa, kao jedan od najvažnijih pucnjeva istorije
Ima svoje čuvene reke – Neretvu, Bosnu, Sanu, Unu, Vrbas…
Ima svoj Igman, Neum, Jahorinu, Bjelašnicu…
Ima svoje Olimpijske igre kojima niko u regionu ne može da se pohvali

Bosnom su izgleda svi zadovoljni, osim onih koji tamo žive
A mi koji dolazimo, i u koji god deo zemlje da svratimo
Nosimo najlepše uspomene

Da ne pričam o gostoprimstvu i pažnji
Da ne pričam o živopisnim krajevima, od mora sa jedne strane do šuma i planina sa druge
I netaknutih prirodnih predela kao u raju

Bosna ima dušu
I preživela je nešto što nijedna država nije u evropi poslednjih decenija
Rat i podele kakve se ne pamte

Na kraju je sve to stvorilo jedan poseban ton
Iako deo Bosne sanja Hrvatsku, drugi sanja Srbiju
Ima i onih kojima je lepa i takva kakva jeste
I ne bi da pripadaju drugima
Nego bi da pripadaju sebi

Bosna jeste svet, koliko god da je ljudima teško to da priznaju
I možda nije najbolji standard
Ali mnogo šta je najbolje ili bar drugačije nego na drugim mestima

I ko tamo često odlazi ili se vraća
Posebno leti
Savršeno zna o čemu pričam


When summer comes, everyone heads for their Bosnia

There is not quite time for it during the year

But in the summer, Bosnia is one of the main stops

People living in all corners of the world

Or rather, working, getting by and leaving

But always coming back only to Bosnia

And when one doesn’t live there, she keeps living in people

Wherever they are

Still, other countries often promote themselves, their own importance, only Bosnia tends to diminish herself

As if she’s ashamed of it all, whereas she should be proud

With everything she’s been through and is going through, other countries would have fallen apart, ended up belonging to someone else

But Bosnia keeps living for herself, remaining defiant

From ancient times to the present-day

Three nations and three faiths, the whole world in one

The influence of Turkey, Russia, America…

Yet neither Turkey, nor Russia, nor America

Bosnia has it all, except the awareness of having it all

To onlookers, it all seems more than interesting

Banja Luka has its own story, Sarajevo too, Trebinje too, Mostar too

Cities like small states, each on its own

Not to mention Tuzla, Zenica, Blieća, Bijeljina and many others

For them they’re just cities and for us, onlookers, the harbors of history

Where cultures and differences interact

And everything seems interesting, different

As if we are going to some faraway world that’s right here

Just a few hundred kilometers away

Bosnia had and still has her own heroes

Mirza, Džamonja, Davorin, Kiko Sarajlić, Kemo and others

And there are some new ones she’s not yet aware of

She has “Justice for David” uniting the entire region

She had the silence of Jelena Topić from Prijedor resonating louder than the greatest noise

Bosnia has a 1000 of her own wonders

And not to mention all who can trace family roots and ancestors from here, and the inevitable accent, of course

Bosnia is both modern and traditional

With one foot entirely in the past, the other in the future

All this makes her special, different in a way that this one-of-a-kind difference

Makes her unique

Bosnia has the Sarajevo Assassination and Gavrilo Princip, as one of the most important shots in history

She has her famous rivers – the Neretva, Bosna, Sana, Una, Vrbas…

She has her Igman, Neum, Jahorina, Bjelašnica…

She has her Olympic Games no one else in the region can boast of

Everyone seems to be pleased with Bosnia except those that live there

And those of us who come, no matter which part of the country we drop by

We carry away nothing but the best memories

To say nothing of the hospitality and attention

Not to mention the picturesque lands, from the sea on one side to the forests and mountains on the other

And pristine nature much like paradise

Bosnia has a soul

And it has endured something no other european country has in recent decades

War and divisions unheard of

In the end it has created a special tone

Although a part of Bosnia dreams of Croatia, another dreams of Serbia

There are those who find her beautiful just as she is

And don’t want to belong to others

But to themselves

Bosnia is the world, no matter how hard it is for people to admit it

And maybe it’s not the best standard there is

But many things are better or at least different from other places

And those who visit often or keep coming back

Especially in the summer Know perfectly well what I am talking about

Prevela/translated by: Minja Pješčić

Pregledala i savjetovala/ peer reviewed & advice offered by: Lisa Stewart